Saturday 29 March 2014

NOAH: A fiction of faith that entertains...and takes it seriously too! [3.5/5]

What can be more mystical, magical and awe-inspiring than the miracles of nature itself? Nothing else but the vast ocean of human emotions and the subject matter of a phenomenon called life. Darren Aronofsky’s NOAH tries to paint and picture both in a balanced manner but not without gluttony of having great time at powerful visual-effects machines for creating an alienated world of absolute faith, belief and trust any religious foundation advocates.

In an evocative dream, Noah [Played brilliantly by Russell Crowe] foresees hints of massive destruction of the world and civilization and that he is the chosen one to save some of it in order to re-start the course of action for evolution soon after. Though the evil forces don’t look much trouble in shaking up his conviction, it’s his own beliefs and values that drive him to a point where he doesn’t even blink from taking up dagger against his owns.        

Taken from the famous biblical tale of Noah building an enormous ark to save creatures of every kind in the animal kingdom from the anticipated catastrophic flood, Darren Aronofsky doesn’t leave any stone unturned to make an all entertaining disaster movie packed with overpowering visuals mixed well with top-notch performances. So, when Noah with his family encounters the Watchers, angles once sent from heaven to help humankind, you couldn’t stop yourself from seeking comparisons between them and the new-age transformers. They look more like the stoned version of the metallic giants. In one of the most breathtaking sequences in the film, Aronofsky produces the fast-motion evolution scene from the origin of life to the present form of human race. This could be well-described as an ode to Terrence Mallick’s THE TREE OF LIFE. Magnificently done!

Apart from giving the impression of being a larger than life story mainly in its visual grandeur, NOAH also strives to take the very humane emotional path in subduing the stature of Noah to a man of responsibilities. From a God fearing believer to much caring family man, the transition is smooth, subtle and almost blurred. Credit needs to go to Russell for an absolute believable performance. Jennifer Connelly supports him well as his wife standing by him in all. Watch her exploding in emotions when Noah makes him mind up to end human race with them as it’s perhaps the only way to protect God’s most astounding creation from being tarnished with sins only found and dwelled in humankind. In a special appearance, Anthony Hopkins lights up each frame he’s in. Emma Watson as Noah’s adopted daughter and the life partner of his eldest son Shem gets a good meaty role to shine and impress.

At the end, it is a mythological fiction of faith that not only strikes much to entertain but also takes itself seriously too. [3.5/5] 

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